Christian inspiration,
Universal charity.

Organizational Development



Being a religious congregation within the Catholic Church, the membership, activity and scope of the Salvatorians are all shaped by the gospel and by the spiritual life. Nevertheless, in order to be successful in this world and to become fit for the future, religious congregations need to adopt best practices from other professional areas. By structural and organizational development, they need to enhance their own activity and scope, in order to fortify the religious activities that they develop, and to multiply their effects.


The main instrument for organizational development within the Salvatorians’ international community is the office SOFIA, tasked with fundraising, project and knowledge management. Through workshops, organizational development and dissemination of existing know-how, the members are empowered to better implement their mission and become change agents in the environments in which they live.


Following a review of administrative structures at local and international levels, SOFIA focuses its efforts in this area on the organizational development of the priority projects it has supported in the past, as well as on one Salvatorian unit in Africa as a pilot case.


DR Congo

ELKAP follow up

In order to strengthen ELKAP (Electricity for Kapanga) and to ensure the longevity of this project, SOFIA has initiated an organizational development follow-up project. Its scope is to develop the structural backbone of ELKAP: revive the nonprofit entity managing the plant, strengthen the financial management and organizational structure, provide awareness building among the stakeholders and the local population, and to strengthen the maintenance and technical capacities of the team.

DR Congo

Organizational Development DR Congo

For the first time in SOFIA’s existence as well as in the life of the Society of the Divine Savior, an entire geographical unit of the Society was studied with the aim of enhancing its organizational capacity. In cooperation with Caritas Congo, every single mission and project of the Congolese Missionary Pro-Province was visited, local needs assessments carried out, interviews held. The extensive report is being discussed and conclusions reached as new initiatives are implemented. This pilot project provides expertise for future planning.

Pastoral Work



In the Christian worldview, a human being is not complete without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, expressed in faith and ecclesial communion. It is obvious that many people and entire societies live without any religion. Many baptized Christians do not live up to the demands of their faith or are unaware of the implications of their baptismal commitment for their daily life and the options they take in life. The Society of the Divine Savior (Salvatorians) was founded to confront this situation.


SOFIA assists the Salvatorians in their task to universally spread the knowledge of the Divine Savior and of salvation. Their apostolic activities in over 40 countries all over the world need initial investment, which SOFIA seeks to procure by contacting ecclesiastical funding organizations.


SOFIA’s pastoral projects focus on religious formation, such as the construction of a formation center in Ndikinimeki (Cameroon), the maintenance of parish structures, and fundraising for various socio-pastoral activities.



Kenya Mission start up help

In the wake of a generation of dynamic mission involvement, the Salvatorians started a new mission in Osorongai (Eldoret, Kenya) in 2015. From the beginning, SOFIA assisted with fundraising for the start-up of this mission. An existing primary school was acquired and upgraded by repairs and new construction. A secondary school project will be realized in the years to come.


Shillong Multipurpose Hall

At the location of the Salvatorian Theology Study House in Shillong (India), the Salvatorians in India are planning the construction of a multipurpose hall. The scope of this project is to create the infrastructure for a host of educational programs, be they civic (awareness building, workshops on income generation, hygiene and social development) or religious (courses for sacrament preparation, catechesis, workshops for pastoral agents).

Rural Development



Humanity is more and more migrating from the countryside to urban regions and overly-populated megacities. In poor countries, people hope to make a living in the big towns; however, they frequently end up in even greater poverty. This development is driven by lack of income opportunities, poor infrastructure and lack of access to a reliable, affordable and sustainable power supply in rural or landlocked areas.


For those remaining behind, and to restrain the exodus, the Salvatorians and SOFIA are engaged in projects aimed at the enhancement of life in rural areas. Our strategy includes efforts for the provision of renewable energy as well as income-generating activities, so that people do not feel obliged to leave their place and look for work in cities.


Given the importance of electricity for hospitals (refrigerators for medicine, night-time emergency operations), education (homework after sunset), modern communication, and for income generation (setting up of small workshops when electricity is provided) SOFIA in cooperation with Salvatorians is planning and implementing developmental projects of this kind.


DR Congo

ELKAP (Electricity for Kapanga)

With the Governor of Lubumbashi (DRCongo) and the European Commission as partners, SOFIA funded and realized a near impossible endeavor: to provide landlocked Kapanga with electricity. The first stage of the project consisted of a dam and the installation of a turbine, as well as the construction of a distribution grid. Essential parts of the installation could only be assembled by hand because the rugged terrain made it impossible for any fully-constructed engine to be transported there. The second section of the project is to create a long-term organizational structure.

A nonprofit entity was created to manage the operation. People were hired and trained for maintenance, the sale of the electricity, and accounting. Awareness-building helped the population appreciate the possibilities created by the project; the two hospitals and the schools in the area were among the first to be connected. Many small businesses sprang up. Communication improved when the Vodafone antenna was connected to ELKAP’s grid.


Coelho Neto agricultural cooperative

When 40 poor families in the state of Maranhão (Brazil) were able for the first time to acquire land, they formed an agricultural cooperative. SOFIA supported their initiative with educational workshops that helped them enhance their agricultural skills. A tractor was provided, fish ponds created, a goat farm fenced, vegetable gardens planted. The project has made a substantial contribution not only to family income but also to the health of many people, providing a diverse and nutritional range of food products.




The right to life is fundamental. Nevertheless, the life of many is threatened by the lack of adequate health care services or the inability to access them. Curable diseases heavily impact the quality of life of too many people.


As part of their mission of bringing healing to every human being, Salvatorians engage in primary health care. They let themselves be guided by local circumstances and their personnel resources. That is why they engage in this sector especially in Africa, where health care services are insufficient, and a number of Salvatorian members are trained nurses.


SOFIA focuses on sustainable health projects and basic health care to combat curable diseases and child mortality in a number of places in Congo, Tanzania and Comoros Islands.

Given the relevance of this sector in Africa, SOFIA also supports projects of other missionaries, such as a community-based project in Kajiado County (Kenya) to fight and prevent HIV/AIDS.


Comoros Islands

Power Health

SOFIA assisted the small hospital of the Catholic Mission at Moroni (Comoros Islands) with the provision of a solar electric system to guarantee reliable and green energy. This health center in a predominantly Muslim environment is the only way allowed to serve the Comorian people. The installation of the solar system has resulted in a huge saving on operational expenses and contributed to the health center’s sustainable development.


Upgrade for St. Joseph Dispensary

Serving a huge surrounding region in landlocked Namiungo, Southern Tanzania, SOFIA assisted the small dispensary to engage in a substantial upgrade. A mother-and-child clinic was built, together with new toilets and proper storage for medicines. As the only health facility in the area, St. Joseph Dispensary now also provides ambulance service for patients to the town of Tunduru, where the nearest hospital is located. Local health workers have received training on infant nutrition, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS, and basic hygiene. Equipment for diagnostics was acquired, a newly drilled bore hole provides easy access to clean water, and the area was fenced for security. The number and the quality of services have greatly improved.


AJAM (Apostles of Jesus AIDS Ministries)

SOFIA supports this excellent project of another congregation, the Apostles of Jesus. Located in Kajiado County (Kenya) AJAM involves thousands of people. It upholds a remarkable quality, professionalism and inspiration. AJAM not only partners with SOFIA, but also with others such as Missio Munich (Germany). The quality checks of these organizations are an additional confirmation of the good work delivered. AJAM consists of several components: prevention, health and hygiene education, medical care and follow up.




The right to education is a human right, recognized by the United Nations.

Salvatorians are present in areas where insufficient or no educational infrastructure exists because of a lack of civil structures, financial means, and teachers.


SOFIA supports Salvatorians in their work so that education for girls and boys may become more universal. As the local circumstances warrant, SOFIA also promotes educational initiatives for KG and university level school, as well as extracurricular educational initiatives in slums for school dropouts.


The focus of SOFIA’s educational activity is on formal school education in primary and secondary level.



AlsaBuhay - A Future for Slum Children in Manila

Many children of theParola slum in Manila are born in broken families, dire poverty and are often subject to all kinds of abuse and crime. Attending school and building a future are often impossible for them.

SOFIA, through an innovative program called “ALSA BUHAY”, helps these children by providing an innovative opportunity of alternative education inside the slum. The educational program prepares them for a high school diploma equivalency. Over 700 children have already benefited from this project, but more support is needed to enable SOFIA to shape a better tomorrow for more children in the slum. Every euro donated equals one day of school for a child.



This project concerns the organization and delivery of art courses to the disadvantaged youth of the Catia slum in Caracas. Workshops are guided by experienced teachers. The choice of workshops ranges from dance, painting, music and photography, to learning to read novels. The workshops attract children and youth aged 4 to 28 and are held in existing school and parish premises.

This initiative has the following objectives:

1. Provide alternative, enriching, and productive activities to keep youth active and engaged, which ultimately keeps them off the street and out of any potential harm’s way.

2. Encourage through art and culture values such as: responsibility, discipline, confidence.

3. Stir in children and young people citizen awareness and group work in such a way that the workshops’ educational outcomes would be useful to the community.

An overarching purpose of this initiative is that the young participants are offered a structure in life and hope, a key ingredient for happiness.


JUCo, Morogoro

The Salvatorians founded Jordan University College (JUCo) in 2010 in response to the prevailing educational crisis in Tanzania.

As testament to its success, JUCo has seen a rapid expansion since 2010, currently boasting approximately 3,700 students and 100 lecturers on a marvellous campus. JUCo offers a range of Bachelor and Masters Programs in the Humanities and Social Sciences. It is particularly successful in its training of teachers, with students in its school of education accounting for over half of its enrolment.

JUCo’s aim is to educate a new generation of students that will contribute to sustainable socio-economic development. Its overall objective is thus to make a significant and socially responsible contribution to Tanzanian society.

We are currently seeking support for:

  • Scholarships to increase the enrollment of students from disadvantaged backgrounds and of female students
  • New masters programs in administration, socially responsible entrepreneurship, sustainable human development and social work
  • Professional development for the college staff
  • Facility improvements

If you wish to associate your name with the growth of Jordan University College and support the development of education in Tanzania, please contact.