Being a religious congregation within the Catholic Church, the membership, activity and scope of the Salvatorians are all shaped by the gospel and by the spiritual life. Nevertheless, in order to be successful in this world and to become fit for the future, religious congregations need to adopt best practices from other professional areas. By structural and organizational development, they need to enhance their own activity and scope, in order to fortify the religious activities that they develop, and to multiply their effects.
The main instrument for organizational development within the Salvatorians’ international community is the office SOFIA, tasked with fundraising, project and knowledge management. Through workshops, organizational development and dissemination of existing know-how, the members are empowered to better implement their mission and become change agents in the environments in which they live.
Following a review of administrative structures at local and international levels, SOFIA focuses its efforts in this area on the organizational development of the priority projects it has supported in the past, as well as on one Salvatorian unit in Africa as a pilot case.
DR Congo
ELKAP follow up
In order to strengthen ELKAP (Electricity for Kapanga) and to ensure the longevity of this project, SOFIA has initiated an organizational development follow-up project. Its scope is to develop the structural backbone of ELKAP: revive the nonprofit entity managing the plant, strengthen the financial management and organizational structure, provide awareness building among the stakeholders and the local population, and to strengthen the maintenance and technical capacities of the team.
DR Congo
Organizational Development DR Congo
For the first time in SOFIA’s existence as well as in the life of the Society of the Divine Savior, an entire geographical unit of the Society was studied with the aim of enhancing its organizational capacity. In cooperation with Caritas Congo, every single mission and project of the Congolese Missionary Pro-Province was visited, local needs assessments carried out, interviews held. The extensive report is being discussed and conclusions reached as new initiatives are implemented. This pilot project provides expertise for future planning.