Christian inspiration,
Universal charity.


The United Republic of Tanzania scores low on the 2016 Human Development Index positioning the country at 151 out of 188 countries. Despite recent economic growth and immense governmental efforts, poverty remains a pressing issue for the nation, with income levels among the lowest in Africa. Today, half of all Tanzanians live below the poverty line and approximately one-third live in extreme poverty. More than a third of the households earn less than $1 a day, while 20% of the total population lives below the food poverty line. Tanzania has a population of 55.5 million spread across 945,087 sq km. Swahili and English are the most spoken languages.



Salvatorian School, Mkuranga

Convinced that education is the key to development and the single most powerful means for lifting people out of poverty, the Salvatorians want to build and operate a school for the children of Mkuranga District, comprising 101 villages. The total population is 222,921 according to the census conducted in 2012. The population is predominantly Muslim. Phase one of the project will involve the construction of classrooms, a toilet block and tanks, a security fence, furnishings, a library, quarters for teachers and school materials. This project is in the early stage of development, but it requires significant support now.


Expansion of St. Joseph Mother and Child Dispensary

The St. Joseph Mother and Child Dispensary was built in 2014. The services to mothers and children include deliveries, pre-natal & post-natal support. The clinic treats around 60,000 patients per year, which includes about 400 visits of pregnant women, as well as 150 childbirth per year. The new project aims at the construction of an operation theatre. In its current state, the dispensary is not able to respond to complications during childbirth and thus has to direct the patients to Tunduru District Hospital, which is 25 km away on very poor roads.


One Stop Health Center , Morogoro

This project regards the construction of a One-Stop Health Center for abused children and teenagers on the campus of Jordan University College (JUCO) in Morogoro Tanzania.
Morogoro is a rapidly growing urban space in central Tanzania with a high incidence of child abuse. There are, however not sufficient and adequate counseling facilities and associated support. JUCO wishes to fill this void.

The activities will provide the victims immediate and sustained

  • Counseling and therapy (by specialists from the Psychology Department)
  • Medical treatment (by medical staff from JUCO’s dispensary)
  • Legal assistance (by specially trained legal staff from the Law Department).

Counseling will be carried out in loco but also externally by way of an anonymous toll-free telephone help-line that the victims can call to receive help.


Upgrade of Radio Fadhila, Masasi

Radio Fadhila, started in 2013, is the first community radio in the Masasi region. It is estimated to reach out to about 450,000 listeners. The district of Masasi lies in the south of Tanzania lacking basic facilities such as running water and electricity. The Radio station relies on a diesel generator to assure uninterrupted electricity to operate its transmitter and other activities of the station. The diesel generator is in use almost eight hours per day, which causes a substantial financial as well as environmental problem. The radio station plans to install a new 1.2 KW solar power system to reduce the cost and go environmentally friendly.


Jordan University College (JUCO), Morogoro

JUCo was founded in 2010 in response to the prevailing educational crisis in Tanzania. It has approximately 3,700 students and 150 lecturers on campus. JUCO offers a range of Bachelor and Masters Programs in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Its overall objective is thus to make a significant and socially responsible contribution to Tanzanian society. We are currently seeking support for scholarships to support the enrolment of female students and students with a disadvantaged background.